Order terms

Product returns

Product returns are not allowed. Each product is unique, the quantity of each product can not be more than one.

General terms

kompoloi.com is an electronic store selling products through Internet, owned by the company Koboloi located in 35, Voulis str. Syntagma - 10557 Athens Greece - Athens Greece . Our main goal is to notify the terms of kompoloi.com rights and obligations to all Internet visitors, which aims to inform you about your rights and obligations for the best service while searching and ordering products from our department store.

Personal data

Essential condition in order to start a transaction between us is to know your personal data. When ordering you will be requested to give your full name, the address where the products will be sent, your stationary phone number (or any other phone number for your best service), your e-mail address etc. and in the case of paying by credit card the number and expiration date of it.

The company and kompoloi.com faithfully following the convictions of protecting personal data predicted by laws and international conventions won't make any illegal and without your approval use. kompoloi.com does not reveal, publishes, sells or exchanges personal data and information you trust us. In special occasions your personal data might be published by the company, always following the predicted, by law, procedure when this is exacted by the Public Rule, court, etc.

kompoloi.com reserves the right to inform suppliers with statistics from sales, which in no condition will contain personal data that may lead to recognition of people. You have the right to change your personal data that are known to us with the fill up of the relative electronic form.


1. Force majeure: If for reasons of force majeure (e.g. bad weather conditions, strikes, etc) is not possible to deliver the products in the time schedule, you will be informed by e-mail, in order to state us if you want, under these conditions, to make your order.
2. Responsibility of kompoloi.com: kompoloi.com is not responsible for damages during transportation.
3. Commercial messages: kompoloi.com gives the possibility to users to choose informing on new products and other offers, alternative ways of paying etc. along with sending advertising-informational messages to your e-mail or by phone.
kompoloi.com won't use improperly this service. It is always given to all users the possibility to cut receiving advertising messages.

Standing Right

All transactions through kompoloi.com are regulated by the International and European right that controls matters related to electronic trade as and by Law protecting consumers (N.2251/1994) that controls matters of selling in distance.

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